Poppies Europe

Modern Slavery Policy

Modern Slavery Act (MSA)

It is the policy of Poppies Europe LTD to fully comply with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015(MSA) and any subsequent amendments. As such the company will ensure the following throughout its own practices and its supply chain.

Definitions of the terms used can be found in the Modern Slavery Act 2015 – http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2015/30/contents/enacted


No person will be held in slavery or servitude, or be required to perform compulsory or forced labour, either within the company, or its supply chain.


No person working within the company or within its supply chain will engage in human trafficking, i.e., the arrangement of travel for a person with a view to the person being exploited in any manner. (See provision 3, Part 1 of the MSA for definition of exploitation.)


Any person working for the company or as a supplier or contractor to the company who is found to be engaging in slavery or human trafficking will be disciplined accordingly, and, if the offence has taken place within the UK, will be reported to the relevant authority.